Password recovery for staff

Welcome to COOLSIS,

This guide will help you recover your old password or create your initial password on COOLSIS. After successfully completing the following steps, you will have a new password.

Step 1:

Please simply click on the provided link to open the COOLSIS webpage. If you are having a problem with the link, please copy and paste the given address into the address bar of your Internet Browser. As you will see the log-in screen below, please select a proper user type to complete the first step successfully.



Step 2:

For this step, please type your username and click on the “Password recovery” link at the bottom of the page. After that, your name will be pre-populated on a new password recovery window. Click on the "Send Message" button on the window to receive a confirmation code sent to your work email address. This is an extra verification level of our authentication system to make sure your personal data is secure. You will receive a new email from the system with the subject name “COOLSIS Password Reset Confirmation” which includes your confirmation code.


Step 3:

Please complete this step within the given time (24 hours, will show up as 1440 minutes), otherwise the confirmation code will expire and you will need to repeat the previous steps in order to create your new password. You will see a new window asking you to enter confirmation code, new password, and confirm password.


Here is a small tip:

Password must be at least 6 characters long and contain at least one numeric (0, 1, 2…) and one alphanumeric character (a, b, c...). Special characters (! ,@...) are not necessary but you may want to use them to have a stronger password. Please keep in mind that your password is case sensitive. After clicking on the "Confirm" button you are going to dive into COOLSIS with your new password.


Thank you for using COOLSIS.